Tea, coffee, wine, drinks/blood
- Blot up
- Use tonic water
- Blot (check for transfer)
- Repeat use of tonic water
- Keep blotting until no transfer
- Make wad with tissue paper, put on stain and weigh down with a heavy book.
- If stain persists book The Carpet Cleaning Company
- Scrape up with spoon
- Blot up
- Use tonic water
- Blot up
- Make wad of tissue paper, place over stain and weigh down with a heavy book.
Fresh Pet Urine
- Mix 1 part white vinegar with 1 part water
- Apply to stain
- Blot
- Re-apply to stain
- Blot
- Make wad, leave on stain, weigh down with heavy book
- If stain persists book The Carpet Cleaning Company
- Over wet carpet
- Use coloured tissue paper
- Rub the carpet